I have two yourkies named Bailey and Gitmo. I also have a fish named nemo.
Bailey can be lazy.While Gitmo is just plain crazy.
They both love to wrestle . While they think their cage is a vestle.
I have two yourkies named Bailey and Gitmo. I also have a fish named nemo.
Bailey can be lazy.While Gitmo is just plain crazy.
They both love to wrestle . While they think their cage is a vestle.
When the clock struck 12 o’ clock I thouhgt of some New Year Resolutions.
One of them last year was to start getting my work done on time when she wants them. This year one of my Resolutions where to make straight As.Another one is to get to know more people at the school because Ifeel like nobody knows me. I also whant to help my parents so they don’t take so long.
People think that Christmas is all about prensents and the food . But it’s not it’s about the joy,and the happyness through the air. Unlike scruge . Scruge didn’t belive in Cristmas it was humbug ! I don’t listen to him . Christmas is the most wonderful of the year . You should give a prensent to somebody that does not have a house and be a person that cares.
My Christmas traditions are listen to music while opening presents . We also get are beanbags and get a couple of movies plus some little debie cakes . After that we go outside and play football or get on our trampoline . Then we bake cookies for Santa Claws. At night we get by the fire place and wait for our gifts from Santa.
How was your summer!
I want to work hard becauses I never did in 3rd grade and eat right.